Descendants of Thomas Dewhirst and Esther (Easter) Farrar of Erringden near Hebden Bridge, Yorkshire

Data submitted by Chris Morley connected this line to that of Luke Dewhirst and Mary [map] of Brantom Farm, Sowerby
on the corner of Sowerby Lane and Broad Lane, just South of Luddenden Foot and NW of Sowerby, Yorkshire.
Data for that line was submitted by Sylvia Green with some detail from Jana Black email them for more information


DNA results point this line to Roger de Dewhirst of Whalley, Lancashire, 1505 or to someone closely related to him. We merely have to prove the paper trail.
A well known branch of this family joined the Quaker movement, while our line did not. This may affect our ability to trace the line.

Family of William Dewhirst and Mary Farnell (proved by DNA, 2018)

William Dewhirst 1668 Heptonstall, St Thomas         Mary Farnell
Thomas Dewhirst
4 February 1693
Chr. St. Thomas, Heptonstall, Yorkshire, England
21 December 1740
Luddenden, Yorkshire, England
2 April 1711
St. Thomas, Heptonstall, Yorkshire, England
Esther (Easter) Farrar
Sarah Dewhirst Baptism 3 Feb 1694 Heptonstall, St Thomas          
Martha Dewhirst Baptism 15 Oct 1696 Heptonstall, St Thomas          
Martha Dewhirst Baptism 25 Nov 1698 Heptonstall, St Thomas          
Wm Dewhirst Baptism 25 Nov 1698 Heptonstall, St Thomas          
Sarah Dewhirst Baptism Feb 1700 Heptonstall, St Thomas          
Isack Dewhirst Baptism 6 Apr 1703 Heptonstall, St Thomas          
Martha Dewhirst Baptism 30 Dec 1705 Heptonstall, St Thomas          

Family of Thomas Dewhirst and Esther (Easter) Farrar

Thomas Dewhirst [1]
4 February 1693
Chr. St. Thomas, Heptonstall, Yorkshire, England
21 December 1740
Luddenden, Yorkshire, England
2 April 1711
St. Thomas, Heptonstall, Yorkshire, England
Esther (Easter) Farrar [2]
Thomas Dewhirst
Chr.20 September 1713
St. Thomas, Heptonstall, Yorkshire, England
John Dewhirst
Chr. 15 May 1715
St. Thomas, Heptonstall, Yorkshire, England
Mary Dewhirst
Chr. 1 April 1716
Sowerby, Yorkshire, England
6 April 1716
Sowerby, Yorkshire, England
William Dewhirst
Chr. 21 April 1717
St. Thomas, Heptonstall, Yorkshire, England
Sarah Dewhirst
Chr. 21 December 1718
St. Thomas, Heptonstall, Yorkshire, England
Mary Dewhirst
Chr. 27 March 1719
St. Thomas, Heptonstall, Yorkshire, England
Nanny Dewhirst
15 January 1723/4
Luke Dewhirst
Abt. 1724 based upon record of "Age at Adult Christening" listed as 26 years on 10 or 12 June 1751
b. Webster, Errington; Chr. Heptonstall, Yorkshire, England
Bur. 25 May 1782
Bur. St. Thomas Parish, Heptonstall, W. Yorkshire, England
abt. 1753 
Mary ?
Martha Dewhirst
Abt. 1727 based upon record of "Age at Adult Christening" listed as 23 years on 10 or 12 June 1751
Heptonstall, Yorkshire, England

[1] This family group was established thanks to Settlement Certificates dated 27 December 1735 from the Calderdale (Halifax) branch of the West Yorkshire Archive Service; Catalog Reference SPL:92/125 creating the following family group(s):

"Tho: Dewest, Easter his wife Tho: Jn^o: W^m, Sara, Betty Nany Luke & Martha their children" of Erringden to settle in Sowerby. One of the signing witnesses is my ancestor Job Morley. The other witness is "John Clarck".

The second certificate (catalogue ref. SPL:92/124) allows "Job Morley & Ann his wife Moses & Merriam their children" of Erringden to settle in Sowerby. The witness area of this form bears the mark of "Tho. Dewhirst". Again, the other witness is "John Clarck". "

These entries, both registered on the same day, not only connect the families together, they define who members in the two families are in 1735. Thomas Dewhirst and Esther Farrar m. 2 April 1711 at St. Thomas, Heptonstall. Ann Dewhirst and Job Morley married on 3 November, 1703 at St. Thomas, Heptonstall. It is suspected that Ann and Thomas are siblings and follows that the families moved together to Sowerby.

[2] Records show lots of Farrar's living at Sowerby betw. 1700 and 1800. Fatehr of Easter/Esther may be Abraham

Family of Luke Dewhirst and Mary ?

Luke Dewhirst [1]
 abt. 1724 based upon record of "Age at Adult Christening" listed as 26 years on 12 June 1751
 b. Webster, Errington; Chr. Heptonstall, Yorkshire, England
Bur. 25 May 1782
Bur. St. Thomas Parish, Heptonstall, W. Yorkshire, England
Mary ? [2]
Richard Dewhirst [3]
abt. 1754
likely Bramptom/Brantom Farm, Sowerby, Yorkshire 
1834 (buried 7 February 1834)
Horbury, W. Yorkshire, England
1) 20 May 1782
2) 24 November 1785
3) 13 December 1789
1) Horbury, W. Yorkshire, England
2) Horbury, W. Yorkshire, England
3) Horbury, W. Yorkshire, England

1) Ann Mitchell
2) Martha Peace
3) Sarah Roberts

Ann Dewhirst
abt 1756
 likely Bramptom/Brantom Farm, Sowerby, Yorkshire 
Elkanah Whiteley [3]
Ellen Dewhirst
abt. 1758 
 likely Bramptom/Brantom Farm, Sowerby, Yorkshire 
Timothy Scott [4]
Luke Dewhirst II [5]
Sowerby Near Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Sowerby, Yorkshire, England 
 Likely abt. 1783
Mary/Molly/Mally Sutcliffe
David Dewhirst
Elizabeth/Betty ? [6]
Mary Dewhirst
Mark Whitaker [7]
Grace Dewhirst [8]
bur. 17 Jan 1798
Horbury, Yorkshire, England 
Sarah (Sally) Dewhirst [9]
Chr. 05 November 1772
Sowerby Near Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Bur. 11 February 1821
St. Peter and St. Leonard, Horbury, W. Yorkshire, England
5 May 1796
Horbury, W. Yorkshire, England
Benjamin Couldwell
The Reverend Charles Chantler Dewhirst [10]

25 December 1773

Sowerby Parish, Near Halifax, Yorkshire

 14 May 1845
 Bury Saint Edmunds, Suffolk, England

1) 3 May 1808

2) 1830

1) Barrow, Suffolk, England

2)  Bury Saint Edmunds, Suffolk, England

1) Sophia Mary Last 2) Letitia Bromley


[1] We now strongly suspect that Luke was the son of Thomas Dewhirst and Esther (Easter) Farrar of Erringdon (near Hebden Bridge) who married 2 April 1711 at St. Thomas', Heptonstall. Given Luke's adult Christening at Heptonstall, and burial at Heptonstall combined with information that shows the family of Thomas and Ester moving to Sowerby 27 September 1735, we are narrowing the field and getting closer to the Yorkshire-Lancashire border where DNA results have already led us!

Based on the research of Chris Morley (descendant of Moses Morley (son of Job Morley) and Ann Dewhirst (perhaps sister to Thomas), a Settlement Certificate dated 27 December, 1735 from the Calderdale (Halifax) branch of the West Yorkshire Archive Service; Catalog Reference SPL:92/125 establishes the following family groups:

"Tho: Dewest, Easter his wife Tho: Jn^o: W^m, Sara, Betty Nany Luke & Martha their children" of Erringden to settle in Sowerby. One of the signing witnesses is my ancestor Job Morley. The other witness is "John Clarck". The second certificate (catalogue ref. SPL:92/124) allows "Job Morley & Ann his wife Moses & Merriam their children" of Erringden to settle in Sowerby. The witness area of this form bears the mark of "Tho. Dewhirst". Again, the other witness is "John Clarck". "

These entries, both registered on the same day, not only connect the families together, they define who members in the two families are in 1735. Thomas Dewhirst and Esther Farrar m. 2 April 1711 at St. Thomas, Heptonstall. Ann Dewhirst and Job Morley married on 3 November, 1711 at St. Thomas, Heptonstall. It follows that the families moved together to Sowerby. There is a reference in the IGI for the death of a Thomas Dewhirst in Luddenden, Yorkshire, 21 December 1740. This may be the above mentioned Thomas, as Luddenden is adjacent to Sowerby, but is not proved.

Luke simply identified himself as "Yeoman" (a free man holding a small landed estate, a minor landowner, a small prosperous farmer) and this description seems to fit a life that involved working his substantial farm including renting out buildings on different parts of the farm. Read on to see he may have also had other occupations ... It was said that Luke and Mary had thirteen children, which may be the case. Listed above are the names of the children who were living when Luke wrote his will.

Wakefield Court Rolls of 2 February 1792 mention that Bramptom/Brantom Farm was previously owned by "John Smith, the elder, dec" whose Will was proved October 1772. Dockets 1760-1795 of the Wakefield Court Rolls, is a handwritten index to land transactions including reference on 3 May 1773 "Smith Jno._ to Dewhirst Luke." Unfortunately, the 1773 Roll is too fragile to view, so details of the sale are currently unknown. The 1792 Court Rolls involving the sale of the farm from Luke to Isaac King include mention of a cottage in the occupation of Abraham Mitchell. This detail seems to pave the way for eventual splitting of the farm into seven parts. Mention is also made of "Rev. Daniel Philipps of Hapton, co Norfolk, clerk, mortgagee of some parts, Susan Sutcliffe of Cockhill in Sowerby, spinster, a daughter of Mary Sutcliffe of same, widow, dec, mortagee of all or the greatest part, Richard Allott of Bretton, joiner, mortagee of some parts" as well as mention of the heirs to John Smith, the elder.

In "The Yorkshire Coiners, 1767-1783," by Henry Ling Roth, et al, mention is made describing how, Isaac (of Luddenden Dene, Warley), Thomas (of Highgreens, Erringden) and Luke Dewhirst (of Turvin, Sowerby) were arrested; "Early in February was committed to York Castle, Luke Dewhurst, of Turvin, in the parish of Halifax, Stuff-weaver, charged with diminishing Guineas, and coining 27s. Pieces. (Leeds Mercury, 6th February, 1770)." Luke was further accused of murdering a Mr. William Deighton, "Supervisor of Excise" at Halifax;however, later text suggests he was among a group that put up £20 each towards the death of Mr. Deighton.

These men were "Coiners" shearing gold edges from English coin then melting it and creating counterfeit, stamped and slightly smaller French, Spanish or Portuguese Coin (also acceptable currency in England, but more valuable than Englis Coin due to the balance of trade at the time). They got away with this largely since Yorkshire was so far from London. The operation was supposedly headquartered at "the Place beyond Sowerby" and also involved members of the Greenwood, Pickles, Oldfield, Broadbent, & Sutcliffe families known to have been associated with the Dewhirst family; all considered to be "some of the first families in the neighbourhood." These Halifax residents objected to new taxes levied by the Crown and when a man who came to be known as "King" David Hartley of Cragg Vale, Luddendun Foot, aka "Chief of the Coiners" came up with the idea of using horses to power a mill capable of rolling out coin that could be stamped instead of hand hammered, many jumped aboard to "re-value" their money. Luke Dewhirst was apparently the last man arrested. Read more here. It is not known whether Luke was executed or not, but the timing is right.

The Will of Luke Dewhirst, written on the 24th March 1782 and proved in November 1783 (transcribed by Robyn Lynn):

1783 Vol 127 No 495

In the name of God Amen I Luke Dewhirst of Brantom in Sowerby and County of York Yeoman being of perfect Mind and Memory and calling to mind and duly considering the uncertainty of Human Life do make this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following First and Principally I commit my Soul into the Hands of my Blessed maker trusting in his mercies and in the Mercy of my dear Redeemer for the remission of all my Sins in Body I commit to the Earth to be decently buried at the discretion of my Executor and Executrix hereafter named and nominated as touching my temporal and Real Estate I dispose thereof as follows First it is my Will and mind that all my just Debts by me during the time of my Death together with my Funeral Expences and Probate of this my Will be first and principally paid Then to my loving Wife Mary I give and bequeath unto her the full third part of all the Rents and Profits arising from my Houses and lands to be paid to her half yearly during the time of her natural Life also my will and Mind is towards my Children not able to work for their living that such Sum or Sums of Money be paid and allowed for boarding and educating them as my Executor and Executrix shall from time to time think most convenient and proper to be paid out of the Rents and profits arising from my Houses and Lands Also I give and bequeath unto my Children which are here expressed by name Richard, Ann, Ellen, Luke, David, Mary, Grace, Sally and Charles all that Farm called Brantom and three Cottages all lying and being in Sowerby and County of York and all other Houses Lands Tenements Hereditaments and App__tenances of any kind whatsoever unto me in any wise belonging to be equally divided amongst all my said Children when my Youngest Child attains the full age of Twenty one Years Share and Share alike notwithstanding if any of my Children die before they attain the full age of Twenty one Years It is my Will and mind to have their Share or Shares equally divided amongst the Survivors of my Children Share and Share alike Also touching my Goods and Chattles I Give and bequeath them to my Children to be equally divided amongst them or their Survivors of them Share and Share alike when my Youngest Child attains the full age of Twenty one Years except one third part to my Wife during her natural Life Subject however to this proviso that is at the discretion of my Executor and Executrix to give such part to any of my said Children as they think proper provided their Shares be made equal when my Youngest Child attains the age of Twenty one Years Also I nominate and appoint my Wife and Son Richard to be joint Trustees or Executor and Executrix of this my Last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I the said Luke Dewhirst Testator have hereunto put my hand and seal this twenty fourth day of March One thousand Seven hundred and Eighty two Luke Dewhirst (S) Signed Sealed published and declared by Luke Dewhirst the testator to be his Last will and Testament in the presence of us who in presence of eachother have Subscribed our Names

Michl Normanton - Abraham Mitchil - the mark of Martha Clegg

Proved Nov 1783 ( Malcolm Bull's Calderdale Companion states he is buried at the old Heptonstall Church, but no headstone has been located.)

From the Wakefield Court Rolls 2 FEB 1792: record of surrender of Bramptom Farm (sic), description of the farm names "John Smith, the elder, dec" as the former owner

[2] From the Wakefield Court Rolls 2 FEB 1792: record of surrender of Bramptom Farm (sic) naming "Mary Dewhirst of Brighouse (NOTE: near Calderdale), widow, trustee, exec and devisee of Luke Dewhirst of of Bramptom in Sowerby, yeoman, dec..." in the sale of Bramptom/Brantom Farm to "Isaac King of Luddenden Foot in Warley, yeoman, forever." From Yorkshire: Horbury - Parish Registers (Christenings, Marriages & Burials), 1598-1812: 1804; County: Yorkshire; Country: England; "13 Nov 1804 Mary Widow of Luke Dewhirst, Yeoman buried"

[3] From the Wakefield Court Rolls 2 FEB 1792: record of surrender of Bramptom Farm (sic) naming Elkanah Whiteley of Lower Kebroyd in Soyland, labourer as husband to Ann Dewhirst. The IGI lists the birth of an Elkanah Whiteley of Soyland, Ripponden, Yorkshire, England abt. 1751 to Joseph Whiteley.

[4] From the Wakefield Court Rolls 2 FEB 1792: record of surrender of Bramptom Farm (sic) naming Timothy Scott of Blackwood Hall, weaver, as husband of Ellen Dewhirst.

[5] Click on Richard's name to see charts for his line.

[6] From the Wakefield Court Rolls 2 FEB 1792: record of surrender of Bramptom Farm (sic) naming Elizabeth or Betty as wife to David of Inghead, Sowerby, weaver.

[7] From the Wakefield Court Rolls 2 FEB 1792: record of surrender of Bramptom Farm (sic) naming Mark Whitaker of Longley in Norland, weaver, as husband to Mary

[8] From the Wakefield Court Rolls 2 FEB 1792: record of surrender of Bramptom Farm (sic) naming Grace as Spinster

[9] Sarah (Sally) married Benjamin Couldwell abt. 23 yrs.of age at Horbury. The marriage was witnessed by Richard Dewhirst, Joseph Rhodes and Charles Dewhirst. Children of this couple, all born Horbury, are likely: Charles Coldwell, Bap. 11 December 1796 ~ Buried 18 December 1796; Ann Coldwell, Bap 12 March 1798 ~ Buried 14 March 1798; Mary Coldwell, Bap. 2 May 1799; Harriet Coldwell, Bap. 22 Sep 1800; Martha Coldwell, Bap 5 August 1804; George Coldwell, Bap 25 May 1806; Sarah Coldwell, Bap 17 May 1807; Ann Coldwell b. 1808; Charles Coldwell, Bap 2 April 1809 ~ Buried 3 January 1810; Thomas Coldwell, Bap. 30 December 1810; John Coldwell, Bap. 11 April 1813; William Coldwell, Bap. 28 May 1817. Benjamin Couldwell died in 1817 aged 42yrs. and was buried on the 30 Dec 1817 at Horbury.

[10] Click on Charles' name to see charts for his line.

Luke Dewhirst II [1]
Sowerby Near Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Sowerby, Yorkshire, England 
 Likely abt. 1783
Mary/Molly/Mally Sutcliffe
John Dewhirst
Chr. 08 June 1783
St. Peters, Sowerby Near Halifax, Yorkshire, England (from Brantom) 
?? Betty ? [2]
Timothy Dewhirst
Chr. 10 September 1784
 St. Peters, Sowerby Near Halifax, Yorkshire, England (from Brantom) 
Luke Dewhirst III
Chr. 16 April 1786
 St. Peters, Sowerby Near Halifax, Yorkshire, England (from Brantom) 
?? Frances ? {3]
Hannah Dewhirst
Chr. 20 April 1788
 Sowerby Near Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Luke Wild [4]
Mary Dewhirst
Chr. 25 July 1790
Sowerby Near Halifax, Yorkshire, England 
Thomas Dewhirst
Chr. 08 April 1792
 Sowerby Near Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Sarah Dewhirst
Chr. 19 November 1794
Sowerby Near Halifax, Yorkshire, England 

Betty? Grace? Dewhirst [5]

abt. 1796 
Sowerby Near Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Bur. 17 January 1798
Thomas Dewhirst
Christening: 25 July 1797
  Sowerby Near Halifax, Yorkshire, England

Charlotte Dewhurst


Bap. 01 Jul 1800
 Sowerby Near Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Bur. 07 Dec 1800
Charles Dewhurst
likely 01 July 1800 
Sowerby Near Halifax, Yorkshire, England 
Bur. 01 Jul 1800
Sowerby Near Halifax, Yorkshire, England

[1] Luke II shows up in the household of his daughter, Mary Dewhirst Wild at age 92 in 1851. His occupation in several records is listed as Weaver. There is a marriage of a Luke Dewhirst, Weaver of Sowerby to a Molly Sutcliffe of Sowerby, at Halifax St. Johns on 28 November 1782. This is a few months after the death of Luke Dewhurst, Yeoman of Sowerby in May 1782. This could therefore be Luke, the son of Luke Dewhirst, Yeoman.

According to an ' Essay on the Dewhirst Family ' written by a Dewhirst relative, Muriel Langdon Parsons, (eldest child of John Langdon Parsons and his wife Marianne nee Dewhirst): Luke was killed by lightening whilst driving in a four wheeled gig with his wife. They took shelter under a tree. His wife would never afterwards drive in a conveyance of any kind.

[2] not-proved: A Christening record shows up in Sowerby Near Halifax, Yorkshire, England for a James Dewhirst, son of John and Mary on 28 April 1805 in the same church Luke II Christened his children - is this his son John? Also in Sowerby are the following Christenings to John with Elizabeth; Mary Dewhirst Christening: 17 August 1806, Sowerby Bridge, Yorkshire, England; Elizabeth Dewhirst, 30 August 1807, Sowerby Bridge, Yorkshire, England; Rebecca and Isaac Dewhirst (twins), 07 October 1810, Sowerby Bridge, Yorkshire, England and Sarah Dewhirst, 23 February 1812, Sowerby Bridge, Yorkshire, England.

[3] not-proved: A Christening record shows up in Sowerby Near Halifax, Yorkshire, England for a Sally Dewhurst, daughter of Luke and Frances on 21 April 1811 in the same church Luke II Christened his children - is this his son Luke III?

[4] The 1841 census shows Luke (Farmer and Stone Mason) and Hannah Wild nee Dewhurst and their children: Mary Wild age 6yrs., James Wild age 4yrs., Mager Wild age 2yrs., and Hannah Wild age 1month - all were born at Clunters, Sowerby.

[5] A "Betty" Dewhurst, Chr. 19 November 1794 (twin to Sarah and daughter to Luke) is listed in the St. Peter's Sowerby Baptisms. A Grace Dewhurst daughter to Luke is registered in the death records as buried 17 January 1798 in Horbury ~ are these the same woman?